Dean of Faculty

Prof. Joshua K. Kibet
Prof. Joshua K. KibetDean, Faculty of ScienceEmail:
Contact the Office of the Dean
Faculty of Science Complex, Room G2
Official Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

General enquiries
Address: P O Box 536-20115, Egerton, KE,
Telephone: Office + 254 xx xxxxxx
Staff Profile

Message from the Dean

Welcome to Faculty of Science, Egerton University website. You are the reason we exist. Our physical location is the main campus in Njoro at the South Circle road adjacent to the Old boardroom. We have coordinating offices for our programs and courses offered in our University campuses in Nakuru and Nairobi.

We offer quality courses in basic and applied science for our own science students and also service courses to other faculties in the University. We have six departments namely; Biochemistry and molecular biology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer science, Mathematics and Physics. Currently, we offer 17 undergraduate and 15 graduate programs. New programs are also being developed and will be available soon.

You are the reason we exist, and that is why we go an extra mile and do our very best to offer you quality products and services.As a Faculty, we focus on holistic transformation of our students with special attention to academic excellence, skill acquisition and change in attitude. Our undergraduate programs in computer science, applied computer science, actuarial science, statistics, biochemistry, biomedical science and technology, applied aquatic science and science provide students with the strong knowledge base and stimulating practical learning necessary to prepare them for a dynamic job market in public and private sector, industry , local and international.

Our graduate programs introduce students to theory and practice in fields where the application not only lead to successful scientific and professional careers but more appetite for curiosity, creativity and continuous education.

In order to fulfill our institution’s vision of being a world class University, our faculty continues to develop and grow innovative programs that offer unique international study opportunities through joint programs.

We are committed to quality teaching that meets the challenges of the present and aspirations of the future. We provide our students with a strong basic and applied science background that enables them to tackle problems in a very realistic approach and provides the basis for lifelong achievement. We have qualified staff and motivated staff equipped with current knowledge to mentor our students so as to achieve an all-round transformation as scientists of tomorrow. Indeed, our faculty members are renowned for their teaching and are outstanding in their respective fields in conducting research driven by the societal discourse.Our faculty members hold appointments in various high offices at the university and collaborate with other scholars locally and internationally.

Through our programs and research we endeavor to lead in our core areas of science that develops the influential leader of tomorrow capable of adaptively responding to an ever-changing world.

We put emphasis on hands on experience and we have well equipped physics, computer science, chemistry, biochemistry, biological sciences, and aquatic science laboratories. We have and continue to acquire new resources needed to accomplish effective teaching in science.

To this day, our faculty accounts for some 4420 alumni who work as lecturers, researchers, teachers, community leaders, policy makers, innovators in diverse fields including the public service, national security, health , banking, communication, ICT, sectors, environmental management,, consultancy, Community Service Organizations (CSOs), and many more.

Please explore our website get to get a taste of the exciting programs and research by our faculty. We welcome you to join our faculty staff and student community and be part of the change in our society through science.


Faculty of Science

We are committed to teaching, creation and application of knowledge through pure and applied research and the dissemination of new knowledge through scholarly publication through a dynamic, locally and internationally recognized research standing....

Our Location & Contacts

The Faculty of Science Complex

Egerton University - Main Campus

P.o Box, 536 - 20115
Egerton, Nakuru KE

Phone: +(254)-051-2217891/2

Fax: +(254)-051-2217781
